Company News

TWOWIN Held Mid-Year Marketing Conference,Blueprinting Market Development.

2024-07-22 14:25:10 tuwei312 21

TWOWIN Technology successfully held the 2024 semi-annual marketing conference, jointly drawing the blueprint for market development.


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TWOWIN Technology successfully held its 2024 Semi-Annual Marketing Strategy Summit, comprehensively reviewing the team's achievements in the first half of the year, profoundly analyzing shortcomings and challenges in marketing efforts, and meticulously outlining the blueprint for development in the second half, poised to continue leading and propelling the AI industry trends.

Amidst the passionate heat of midsummer, TWOWIN Technology convened its 2024 Semi-Annual Strategic Meeting for the Marketing Center at 15:00 today in the conference room of its Shenzhen headquarters. President Su Shipeng, Chief Operating Officer Zhao Guoqiang, and Vice President Hong Rongzhen, alongside all members of the Marketing Center, jointly reviewed the company's remarkable achievements in the first half of the year, delved into market trends, and carefully plotted the marketing strategies and blueprints for the second half.

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The meeting kicked off with Vice President Hong Rongzhen of the Marketing Center elaborating on the company's specific accomplishments in market expansion during the first half. Through meticulous data, he comprehensively showcased the Marketing Center's outstanding results in market expansion, customer service, and team building. Especially in AI frontier fields such as assisted driving, robotics, and smart manufacturing, TWOWIN Technology garnered widespread market recognition and high praise from customers with its series of innovative solutions.

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While acknowledging achievements, Mr. Hong also candidly pointed out existing deficiencies in current marketing efforts and proposed practical improvement measures, clarifying responsibilities and directions of action for each department and individual to ensure effective implementation of every optimization measure.

At the heart of the meeting lay the unveiling of the strategic plan for the second half. Centering on the theme of "Intelligently Navigating the Market, Strategically Driving the Future," Mr. Hong elaborated on the company's strategic deployments in market expansion, product innovation, technology upgrades, industrial chain cooperation, and brand building, demonstrating the company's precise grasp of industry trends and unwavering confidence in future development. He encouraged team members to embrace market challenges with a more open and inclusive attitude, seizing every market opportunity.

Nvidia Jetson Platform 

Subsequently, Chief Operating Officer Zhao Guoqiang offered invaluable insights and guidance on how all operational departments could better empower the marketing team and contribute to achieving the company's annual marketing targets. He stressed the importance of enhanced communication and collaboration among departments to form a cohesive force, jointly providing robust support and guarantees for the marketing team. Additionally, he outlined specific requirements and suggestions for optimizing internal processes, enhancing work efficiency, and strengthening execution capabilities.

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In his closing remarks, President Su Shipeng expressed heartfelt gratitude and high recognition for the diligent efforts and outstanding contributions of all members of the Marketing Center in the first half of the year. He emphasized the significance of teamwork and continuous innovation for the company's development, calling on all TWOWIN Technology employees to continue adhering to the corporate spirit of "striving for excellence, daring to innovate, efficiently executing, and results-oriented," and to devote themselves to the second half of the year's work with renewed enthusiasm and unwavering confidence. Participants pledged to actively respond to the company's call and work together to create brilliance!

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With the successful conclusion of this Semi-Annual Strategic Meeting, TWOWIN Technology is poised to ride the waves and continue leading AI industry trends in the second half of the year. Led by the company's executive leadership and supported by the concerted efforts of all employees, TWOWIN Technology's future is destined to shine even more brightly!

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